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Blockchain Redefining
Social Service

Blockchain Redefining
Social Service

Vision & Mission

Indicoin is a platform independent, autonomous social service DApp for a community of people who really want to contribute for the society. It aims to use the technology of Blockchain and Smart Contracts to provide meaningful tasks to the user community and attaching a monetary value (indicoins) on these tasks approved by the community through a decentralized, unbiased and transparent voting process. The idea behind Indicoin is to create an inclusive community of people who are incentivized to do socially positive and constructive tasks. Indicoin has the potential to address certain limitations of the current processes by modernizing, streamlining and simplifying the traditional siloed design of the help and social service with a shared fabric of layers of technology for a first ever social platform where people can not only share but also validate through any kind of content anonymously from any part of the World at any part of the clock and also earn through it.


Our documentations give a clear picture of our vision. You can find all the project related intricate details in them that will answer all your queries, if any. If you still feel you want to talk about the project on an individual level, do write to us.


QUARTER 2 2017

  • Concept development and research
  • Domain name registered

QUARTER 3 2017

• Token presale
• Whitepaper and platform development
• Initial part team creation
• Project initiated with local NGOs support & affiliation
• Community development
  • Token presale
  • Whitepaper and platform development
  • Initial part team creation
  • Project initiated with local NGOs support & affiliation
  • Community development

QUARTER 4 2017

  • Non-Profit organization registration
  • Token Sale
  • Listing on various Exchanges
  • Distribution Plan Update
  • Audit and Revision
  • Community Plan Update
    1. Indicoin Comm-Tech conferences and token summit
      1. intially tour planned for India
      2. International summits organized by the community of specific location (integrated on platform itself)
    2. Community Summit
    3. Hackathon for project development
    4. Bug bounties
  • Concept development and research
  • Domain name registered

QUARTER 1 2018

• Distribution protocol development
• Integrated and independent platform development
• Smart Contract for Social Vault development
• Collaboration with non-profit organisations and other social   partners
• Incubation and community center setups all over the world
  • Distribution protocol development
  • Integrated and independent platform development
  • Smart Contract for Social Vault development
  • Collaboration with non-profit organisations and other social partners
  • Incubation and community center setups all over the world

RoadMap v.2 coming soon!



Independent access through multiple platforms


Users get monetary appreciation for their social work upon providing a proof for the same

Proof of Works

Various means for providing proof of work on the platform including live videos, pictures, documentational proofs etc.


Verification of Proof of Work via a Voting System and Reward Sharing

Verify your work

Transparent distribution of tokens through Smart Contract


It is an autonomous social service DApp for a community of people who really want to contribute to the society.
It aims to use the technology of Blockchain and Smart Contracts to provide meaningful tasks to the user community.

The Indicoin Platform

Indicoin is the first cryptocurrency from India built on top of Ethereum Blockchain.

First cryptocurrency from India to be listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges across the globe.

First ever platform to offer content sharing for social causes along with live content upload and various other features.

Indicoin is a variable currency accepted throughout the world. No actual movement of cash is involved.


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“Come, let’s be a part of a community where we can together build up a better society for everyone.”

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